How Much Money Could You Make If You Had More Than A Dozen

How Much Money Could You Make If You Had More Than A Dozen "Traffic Sources" In Place Bringing Visitors To Your Site Around The Clock?

Now You Too Can Discover How to Quickly and Easily Get All the FREE Targeted Traffic You Need… No Experience or Fancy Tech Skills Required!

Dear Friend,

On Sunday, May 29, 2011 NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. took the white flag at the Coca Cola 500 and began the final lap of what would be his first tour win in over 100 races.

His lead was comfortable. The crowd was ecstatically cheering for the most popular driver on tour. At turn 1 the lead was 7 car lengths. By turn 2 the lead had increased to 8 car lengths. Victory was only half a mile away.

Then Dale Earnhardt Jr. did the unthinkable.

He ran out of fuel. :(

With no gas in the tank, he coasted to a disappointing 7th place finish.

While you may not be a professional driver, you have at least one thing in common with Junior: you need fuel to win.

As an internet marketer, your fuel is “traffic“. Visitors to your site of choice (whether it’s one you own or one you promote as an affiliate) are what gets the win for you. It’s what gets you the order.

Without fuel – traffic – you don’t cross the finish line. You don’t collect the winner’s check. You don’t get the result you’re working hard to achieve. You fall back in the pack while those with full tanks pass you by and take what could have been yours.

Maybe you are like any driver who comes up short due to a lack of fuel – disappointed because you know it could be better.

If you want to make money online, you need traffic. And if you want to make a lot of money, then you need a lot of traffic.

This is true no matter what business model you’re using. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling your own product at your own site.

  • It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting someone else’s product as an affiliate.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get people to click on Adsense ads.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re blogging, flipping sites, coaching or anything else.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting business offers or non-business offers, low-cost offers or high-ticket offers, the point is:

You won’t make a dime unless you  get eyeballs in front of your offers.

You will not – cannot – make money without traffic.

But not just any traffic will do.

You need targeted, responsive traffic. People who are interested in your particular offer, in fact eager to buy your offer because it’s exactly what they want.

The question is:

How do you get this traffic?

Nobody has to convince you that you need traffic, right? You got this figured out by now. You know that it’s a numbers game … the more people who come to your site, the more orders you get.

It’s simple math.

The reason the “gurus” make a boatload of money is because they get a boatload of traffic to their sites. All things being equal, the one who gets the most traffic gets the most orders.

In essence…

Traffic that is converted = money in the bank.

Preaching to the choir, right? You already know this. What you probably don’t know is how to fuel up. What you probably don’t know is how to get the maximum amount of traffic to your site with the minimum amount of effort and the least amount of money invested.

I’ve got GREAT news for you…

You see, some of the most powerful, targeted and profitable traffic strategies are 100% FREE!

Not convinced? Read this and tell me if I’m right…

Case Study: You!

Just think about the last product launch you witnessed. Tell me, how did you find out about the launch?

  • Was it through a TV commercial?
  • Google AdWords?
  • In a spread in a glossy magazine?

Nah. You probably saw it on some blog, on Facebook or Twitter, or even through someone’s newsletter list.

Point is, the marketer got his message to you through FREE channels… and that launch probably dropped tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of dollars into his bank account!

Are you ready to do the same thing?

So here’s what I’m saying: If totally free traffic is good enough for the biggest, most successful and wealthiest marketers in your niche, then why not put it to work for yourself?

But there’s a catch…

You need to know which free traffic strategies to use. And you need to know the right way to use these proven strategies.

You see, NOT all free traffic strategies work!

Can you imagine putting water into your car tank instead of gasoline? Or trying to start a fire in your fireplace with a steel girder instead of wood? Not every kind of fuel works. It may be readily available, but it just doesn’t get the result you’re looking for.

Here’s a dirty little secret:

Some of the biggest and most-talked-about free traffic strategies do NOT work. But everyone talks about them because some marketer is selling a book about the latest and greatest whiz-bang traffic strategy.

Or they work for a week or two until some loophole is fixed or some backdoor is closed. Then, like our drive we talked about earlier, those who use them are out of fuel.

That’s why you need to focus on the proven, time-tested strategies. These are the ones that work today and will work tomorrow. They’re reliable, predictable… and profitable!

Listen, I know some people don’t believe that free traffic can be as good as or even better than paid traffic. It is. I use these same strategies every day, as do countless other successful marketers.

Even big multi-million dollar companies use these strategies. No kidding…

Top 5 Reason Why Free Traffic Rocks!

Reason 1: No going broke trying to learn the ropes!

Reason 2: These strategies level the playing field between you and the big dogs in your niche!

Reason 3: Free traffic is surprisingly powerful, targeted and profitable!

Reason 4: It’s easy to get started – you could be implementing your first free traffic strategy in just minutes from now!

Reason 5: These strategies are just as good if not BETTER than many forms of paid advertising, so you’ll enjoy great results without paying so much as a penny in advertising costs!

Now listen, these free traffic strategies may not be all glitzy and new. But these are the reliable workhorses. These are the ones that will attract targeted traffic to your website day after day after day…

End result?

  • More money in your bank account to buy those little extras and do those things you’ve been talking about.
  • More free time enjoying friends, family and hobbies (and less time at your computer). And…
  • More opportunities that arise from a successful internet business ranging from gurus coming to YOU for partnerships to building your brand to growing your bottom line.

If all of this sounds good, then you’re reading the right page…

That’s right, these are the proven strategies. The ones that predictably work every single time for me, and now I’m going to share them with you. These are the strategies you’ll wish you started using ages ago!

Just look at what you get when you join now…

  •  You’ll get your first traffic-strategy coaching lesson instantly when you join now –you can put it to work for you immediately! (Details below on what’s included in this gem!)
  • You’ll get a new traffic strategy lesson each and every month for as long as you’re a member – no more getting overwhelmed or confused!
  • You’ll finally get results! That’s because this monthly membership site is set up to give you the focus you need to succeed! Not only do you get the lessons, but you get me right there helping you whenever you need it!
  • You’ll get a complete, meaty lesson with tons of additional “teaching tools” – no guesswork required, because you’ll get detailed, crystal-clear instructions that tell you how to deploy and profit from these traffic strategies!
  • You’ll discover the right traffic strategies and the right way to deploy them. No more wasting time with free traffic strategies that don’t work!
  • You’ll discover the TRUTH about free strategies – which ones work, which ones you should ignore. No more chasing after “bright and shiny” opportunities that fall flat!
  • You’ll get in-depth guidance on the “workhouse” strategies – these are the ones that predictably work every single time you use them! Set these traffic “machines” in motion!
  • You’ll get amazing traffic tips and secrets that will open your eyes – even if you thought you knew about the strategy, you’ll learn something new every month!
  • Your traffic will build every month as you discover and deploy a new strategy every month – you probably won’t believe what your traffic logs are telling you!
  • Your traffic (and profits!) will grow exponentially due to the synergistic effects of combining these methods – together they’re more powerful than when used alone!
  • And so so so much more!

Month after month, you’ll learn more and more about how to get FREE high-quality traffic for your online business. It’s like getting a PhD in web traffic.

I have a good imagination. And sometimes I like to let it wander a bit. I keep thinking about Earnhardt Jr. that day. What if on May 29th, 2011 he didn’t have just one source of fuel? What if he had a second source of fuel. Even a third and fourth source. What if he had twelve different sources of fuel?

He’d have easily won the race, I’m convinced of that!

What about you? Do you want to win at getting traffic to your site? Would you like to get more than a dozen sources of fuel for your business?

I developed the Traffic Training HQ membership site to teach you how to get completely free traffic to your website. Every month for one full year (12 months or until you cancel) you’ll receive a new lesson on a new traffic strategy that is PROVEN to work! Each lesson will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours to go through and is a step-by-step “blueprint” for learning a free traffic strategy and actually putting it to work for you.

  • Over the coming 12 months we’ll cover proven free traffic strategies…
  • Strategies for getting onto high-traffic blogs across the internet! 
  • Proven ways to get powerful industry leaders to promote your offer!
  • Viral promotion ideas to spread your marketing like the common cold!
  • Effective uses of short videos to get people to your site again and again!
  • The real ways to use ezine articles for quick bursts AND long-term visitors! 
  • My all-time best way to get traffic anytime I want it … and how you can put it to work too!
  • Your personal “secret weapon” that can drive traffic to your site in dozens of ways! 
  • More than a dozen solid, effective tactics you can deploy immediately!

I’m not going to tell you what specific strategies we’ll be covering. They’re top secret. No joke. Some you’ve heard of, some probably not. None of them have every been shared like I’m going to share them, with my own “tweaks” and “behind the scenes” details which make them especially effective.

Traffic Training HQ  is a 12-month training program… Would you like to see the details for the first lesson?

Here you go…

Traffic Training HQ Lesson 1:

How To Get Free Traffic As A G.U.E.S.T Blogger

In this lesson you’ll learn…

  • How to find dozens of quality blogs that you can use to “borrow” traffic from.
  • A 5-step system for getting blog owners to permanently promote you to their readers.
  • 10 ways to “bribe” blog owners to say “yes” to letting you post to their blog (and even invite you back to do it again).
  • How to write a guest blog post that builds anticipation and gets readers to click through to visit your site.
  • Examples and ideas for everything from start to finish – more than just learning WHAT to do, you’ll learn HOW to do it.

And that’s just lesson one! You’ll receive a total of twelve meaty blueprint lessons over the next year with only the most effective free traffic strategies.

  • Here are a few more things we’ll be covering in future issues…
  • How to get free traffic with ezine articles!
  • How to get free traffic with viral rebrandable reports!
  • How to get free traffic with product launches!
  • How to get free traffic with viral videos!
  • How to get free traffic with powerpoint presentations!
  • How to get free traffic with master resale rights!
  • How to get free traffic with giveaways!
  • How to get free traffic with press releases!
  • How to get free traffic with affiliate programs!
  • And so so so much more!

So here’s a question…

Let me ask you this – what is just ONE good customer worth to you?

Let’s say you sell or promote a $50 product. That means each customer is worth $50 to you on the front end. And on the backend you’ll likely enjoy hundreds of dollars over the lifetime of this customer.

So if one customer is worth hundreds of dollars, how much would a boatload of new customers every month be worth to you?

Figure that out, and you’ll know how much this monthly membership is worth to you and your bottom line!

Listen, you don’t have to do the math. That’s because I’m going to make this really simple. If you join now and lock in one of the first 1000 charter memberships in this site, I’ll grandfather you in at the introductory price of just $9.95 per month.

Yep, you read that right – lesson than $10 bucks a month and you’ll finally find out how to get all the traffic you need to succeed.

Think about it: Even if these strategies deliver just ONE extra customer to you, you’d recoup your investment and pocket an easy profit. But truth is, I’d be horribly disappointed and embarrassed if these strategies only brought you one extra customer a month.

You see, if you follow my instructions, you can expect more traffic. MUCH more. And that means more money in the bank.

Every month you get a new, proven traffic-strategy lesson. Most marketers charge $47, $67 or more for meaty lessons of this caliber. But you get ‘em every month like clockwork for just $9.95 per month.

But only if you act now!

After the charter memberships are gone, the price jumps to $47 per month. I’m not kidding. Ask around, and you’ll find out that this isn’t a gimmick – I always do what I say I’m going to do. So when I tell you the price WILL go up, it’s just a matter of time. So join today before the price increase.

Look, $47 per month is still a bargain – but why pay more when you don’t have to?

Save money by joining now to lock in the low charter membership price of just $9.95 per month!

And if you join now you’ll not only lock-in forever at the charter price, but you’ll also receive…

Fast Action Bonus: Free Bonus Lesson

Available For Immediate Download If You Order Today

Join today and you’ll receive a bonus lesson available for immediate download upon completion of your order!

Bonus Lesson How To Get Free Traffic Through Facebook®

In this lesson you’ll learn…

  • My 3-step simple system for getting FREE traffic from the world’s number one traffic site!
  • 4 quick action steps for getting everything setup … in “beginner friendly” language that anyone can follow.
  • 6 very effective ideas for posting to this mega-site to get attention and persuade others to click thru to your site.
  • Another 6 ways to make every post a winner … not just what KIND of information to share, but also what WORDS to use for best results.
  • 5 techniques for driving a lot of traffic to your page no matter what “niche” you are in.

You’ll get this bonus leson immediately … IF you order today. Join now!

Chances are if you come back later these fast action bonuses will be gone. If you decide not to join now and return later to find the above boxes have been removed, it means they are no longer available. No exceptions.

Seriously, I’m convinced that once you join this membership site you’ll stay with it for all twelve exciting lessons. I’m guessing that 90% of those who join will “graduate” from the training program in twelve months because the content is that good.

But, I don’t have to convince myself, right? :)

As an effort to convince YOU to give Traffic Training HQ a try, I’ve decided to add some “icing” to the cake so to speak. If you join now you’ll also receive a four rock-solid bonuses with your membership…

Bonus #1 – 7 Ways To Make More Money From Traffic Worksho

Bonus #2 – Report: How To Get Free Traffic With Webinars Workshop

Bonus #3 – Report: How To Write Ezine Articles That Get Traffic Workshop

Bonus #4 – Report: The Internet Marketer’s Weekly R.O.U.T.I.N.E. Workshop

That’s an additional 4 lessons of meaty, step-by-step strategies free that you get immediate access!

Best of all…

I’m so sure you’ll be pleased with your membership and with your results that I’m absolutely guaranteeing your satisfaction. If you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, just let me know within 30 days and I’ll cheerfully refund every penny – no questions asked!

I just took all the risk off you, and put it all on me! You have nothing to lose with this guarantee! If you don’t like it, and don’t feel like my coaching isn’t helping then I’ll give you every penny of your money back!

Fair enough? Then…

Join now to lock in the low price of just $9.95 per month, which entitles you to a new traffic strategylesson every month for the coming year plus coaching access to me. You can cancel your monthly membership at any time – but once you see what Traffic Training HQ does for your business, you won’t want to – guaranteed!

You get it all…

  • Lock-in at $9.95 per month instead of $47.
  • The first month’s lesson of Traffic Training HQ
  • The 5 bonus lesson of Traffic Training HQ 
  • Personal coaching with me to help you with anything you need related to getting website traffic!
All you gotta do is click on the order button below… After you make your first payment of only $9.95 you’ll get instant access to everything I’ve promised above…


Yes, I want access to the Traffic Training HQ membership and all the bonuses! I understand I will be billed $9.95 today and $9.95 per month for 11 more monthly installments or until I cancel which I can do at any time I want.

Make payments with PayPal - it is fast, free and secure!


(Even if it’s 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.



To your success!

Steve Yakim


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